Welcome back, or, for those new to the College, welcome aboard! As you start this new academic year you’ll be receiving a myriad of new emails from the University, College, and Department containing new or updated information. Intermingled with the… Read More
Tag: security
Risk Assessment Requirements
Two years ago the University adopted a Risk Management Policy (http://www.it.ufl.edu/policies/information-security/risk-management-policy/) which has impacted the process for IT purchases significantly. When faculty need new IT resources UFIT, the CIO, and the CSO strongly prefer the use of UFIT hosting solutions… Read More
New Threats Target CPU Design Flaw: Meltdown and Spectre
By now you’ve probably heard about the Meltdown and Spectre vulnerabilities. They have been a major news story this past week, even being mentioned on local news. In a nutshell, a major design flaw was found in the main chip… Read More
Additional Safeguards for UF Email: TAP
UFIT expects to deploy new features to the campus email service on September 26, 2017. The new features, known as ProofPoint Targeted Attack Protection (TAP), are an expansion of UF’s existing SPAM and PHISHING protection provided by its ProofPoint… Read More
Zero-Day Vulnerability in Microsoft Word
Attackers have been actively exploiting a zero-day vulnerability in Microsoft Word to infect computers with malware. The first reports about the attacks came Friday from antivirus vendor McAfee after their researchers discovered some suspicious Word files spotted earlier. They… Read More