When your handset is assigned to you, it can be configured to forward voicemail to your Exchange mailbox. When this is done, you will receive an email from opsmis@voip.ufl.edu
with a .wav attachment containing your voicemail. If you mark this message as read your handset’s voicemail light will no longer blink and if you delete the email the voicemail will be deleted from your voicemail box.
If you are not receiving your voicemail in email, submit a ticket to Telecommunications through myIT, https://my.it.ufl.edu/, asking to “turn on voicemail to email for my VoIP handset” with the following:
- Gatorlink username,
- Primary email address
- VoIP handset’s telephone number
Various changes with your mailbox can cause the voicemail to email integration to break. So, if you were getting voicemail in your email at one time and it stopped, it is likely a change was made to your mailbox that broke this feature. In that case, submit a ticket at myIT as well with the same information as above asking to check your voicemail to email configuration.