IT0-2-0 Administrative Procedure Standard for IT

IT0-2-0 Administrative Procedure Standard for IT


To document the writing and naming standards for IT-based administrative procedures and to identify responsibilities during their creation.


Applies to the creation of IT-based administrative procedures within the HWCOE.


  1. IT-based administrative procedures will follow a standard document template providing the purpose, scope, standard, responsibilities, and references.
  2. IT-based administrative procedures will follow a standard naming convention of “IT[#1]-[#2]-[#3] [TITLE]” where:
    1. [#1] is a unique number identifying the specific administrative procedure.
    2. [#2] is the major revision number which increments when edits are being made to an already approved administrative procedure.
    3. [#3] is the minor revision number which increments to indicate substantial changes during the writing of a new draft.
    4. [TITLE] is the natural language title of the administrative procedure to identify its major subject.
  3. All versions of IT-based administrative procedures will be stored in the General channel’s ‘files’ tab of the Engineering IT Support team to make available during the writing and review process.
  4. IT-based administrative procedures will be posted to the Engineering IT website ( and the Finance & Administration’s Administrative Procedures index ( once approved.


  1. Recommendations for new HWCOE IT-based administrative procedures may come from internal and external constituents of the HWCOE and should be sent to the College IT Director.
  2. The College IT Director is responsible for writing IT-based administrative procedures for the HWCOE after discussing with College leadership.
  3. HWCOE IT workers are responsible for participating in the review and vetting processes of IT-based administrative procedures.
  4. HWCOE IT-based administrative procedures will be approved by the Associate Dean for Research and the HWCOE Dean.

