DRAFT – IT7-0-0 Obtaining Property from Surplus – DRAFT

DRAFT – IT7-0-0 Obtaining Property from Surplus – DRAFT


Older IT equipment, of the type typically sent to UF surplus, is frequently past or close to its end-of-life (EOL) support from manufacturers. Often, older equipment no longer receives firmware updates for correcting issues and lacks key components making it incompatible with current OSes and software. After the EOL, data, security, functionality, and safety of this equipment may be compromised. This administrative procedure creates guidelines for obtaining property from surplus to ensure these factors are taken into consideration.


Applies to any individuals that obtain or receive IT equipment from UF Surplus.


  1. Review Process:
    1. Surplus IT equipment will not be transferred to the college unless it has been thoroughly reviewed and approved by authorized IT staff.
    2. The review process includes accessing the condition, functionality, and compatibility of the equipment with existing systems.
    3. IT staff will determine whether the equipment meets the college’s standards and requirements and if a risk assessment is required.
  2. Preference for Non-Transfer:
    1. The college strongly discourages obtaining IT assets from UF surplus.
    2. Whenever possible, alternative solutions (repurposing existing equipment, UF or cloud service offerings, research computing, etc.) should be explored rather than transferring surplus property.
  3. Exceptions:
    1. Recognizing that there are exceptional cases, the college acknowledges that situations may arise where the transfer of equipment from UF Surplus may be appropriate.
    2. In such cases, IT staff will evaluate the necessity and suitability of equipment against other options.
  4. Documentation:
    1. All transfers of surplus IT equipment must follow existing myAssets policies and procedures.
    2. Where appropriate, Attractive Item Decals should be maintained for any transferred equipment.


  1. The College IT Director is responsible for establishing this administrative procedure and informing HWCOE IT, Fiscal and Purchasing Staff and Property Custodians and other myAssets contacts within the HWCOE.
  2. Property Custodians and other myAssets contacts are responsible for confirming with College or unit IT staff that IT equipment has been reviewed and is approved for transfer.
  3. HWCOE employees involved in the acquisition and management of IT assets are responsible for having College or unit IT staff review requests for IT equipment property transfers.


  1. UF MyAssets. https://myassets.fa.ufl.edu/
  2. UF Surplus. https://surplus.ufl.edu