To identify HWCOE requirements for anti-virus protection on UF-owned computers.
Applies to all UF-owned desktop and laptop computers within the HWCOE.
- UF-owned computers must have an installed, configured, up-to-date and operating anti-virus (A/V) product.
- A management console must record at least the following information for installed A/V products.
- Last reported date
- Virus definition version
- Scan engine version
- HWCOE will use A/V products provided in the UF Endpoint Management (UFEM) suite.
- A/V compliance must be audited by Unit IT.
- UF-owned computers not capable of using UFEM A/V must complete a risk assessment according to the UF Integrated Risk Management (IRM) framework.
- UFIT will provide a suitable A/V product that meets or exceeds the requirements of this administrative procedure as part of its UF Endpoint Management (UFEM) suite.
- The College IT Director will provide Unit IT a monthly A/V compliance report for auditing purposes.
- Unit IT will support UFEM on UF-owned computers within their unit.
- HWCOE employees will work with Unit IT to ensure A/V is installed and will not uninstall, turn-off, or, otherwise, disable it.
- UF Endpoint Management – https://it.ufl.edu/ufem/