As of today, some of your email might look a little different. UFIT has implemented a banner to all emails originating from off-campus. The banner, which will be prepended to the body of the email, reminds people to be suspicious before following any link, or opening any attachment, they receive in email.

Although this banner will only be attached to emails originating from off-campus mail services, please remember that you should always use caution before opening any link or attachment you receive in email, no matter where it came from. The vast majority of phishing emails we receive at this time are from compromised UF accounts. As a result, they will not have this banner applied.
The banner serves as an extra layer of awareness for faculty, students, and staff to be vigilant when opening external emails and attachments. It will not be added to email originating from UF, Shands, and Shands-Jax email systems. UFIT is also preemptively whitelisting incoming email from organizations with established business relationships supporting the academic, research, and health/outreach mission of the university. Additional exemptions for official business email will be considered. Anyone with questions about the external email banner or the instructions for requesting an exemption may contact their unit IT or the UF Computing Help Desk.
References: (UFIT News article expired and was removed October 2022)