Due to circumstances it has become advantageous for ISE to purchase ZOOM.US licensing for faculty and staff of the department. Zoom.us is a simple to use web conferencing tool that works well for meeting with people inside and outside the university. Some of the most pertinent information is on our website at the links below but, rather than duplicating efforts by creating our own support documentation, most of the support can be found at https://support.zoom.us/.
Some important information about Zoom is summarized here:
- All UF faculty, staff, and students have a free BASIC license at ufl.zoom.us.
- BASIC licenses can host meetings with up to 10 participants and no longer than 40 minutes.
- PRO licenses do not have the limitations that a BASIC license has.
- Only the meeting host must have the PRO license to avoid the limitations on the meeting.
- UF people use their Gatorlink credentials to sign-in by using the SSO option with the ufl domain.
You should be receiving invites to UF’s zoom.us license today. The email you receive from Zoom is legitimate and will include information about activating your license.
These licenses will be valid until April 30 th (the end of the license period). UF is currently investigating a campuswide license for Zoom.US. So your license may continue at the PRO level in the new license period. If UF will not provide central licensing I will be providing additional information on how to maintain your PRO license close to the end of April.