Subnet Managers and Domain Information List Updates

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As mentioned a bit ago at one of our monthly IT meetings, Information Security & Compliance uses information from both the subnet managers list and the domain information database to generate the contacts for their NETIRTs and UFIRTs.  There is also some information to suggest that they also have an internal database to grab contacts from. Finally, old tickets, which already have assigned contacts, tend to get reopened.  This all adds to the confusion about who should be getting tickets/notices about your IT infrastructure.

Subnet Managers List is available at
Domain Information is available at

Domain information contacts were added last year in an attempt to properly generate tickets when an IP is hosted by EIO.  Domain contacts are extremely out of date in many instances.

The domain administration database needs to have a single ‘Management Contact’ and a single ‘Technical Contact.’  These contacts have to be an individual and not a group/alias.  As guidelines for how to list people in these roles please use the following definitions:

  • Management Contact: DDD of unit who is assigned the domain.  Can also be considered the technical contact’s supervisor.
  • Technical Contact: Person in the trenches working with the IT infrastructure that is associated with the domain/subnet.

To update these contacts you would submit a ticket at using “Technology Services/Networking/IP Address Management, DNS, DHCP, and Host Monitoring” in the service catalog. Please clearly indicate the domain you are updating, the contacts name, and the contacts gatorlink username in the ticket.  If you have a question or need some immediate changes you can contact the following people that work with the IPAM and domain registration system:

  • Justin Taylor,
  • Ralph Brigham,

Please review both UF’s subnet managers list and the domain information database for your subnets and domains to make sure current contacts are listed.

Thank you.