Encrypted Emails (Yep! It does exist)

How many of you are familiar with this feature within UFX?  Put [encrypt] at the start of your email subject and if the message is to someone outside of UF, proofpoint will encrypt the email via an internal service. Below is an example to show what it looks like. Additionally, URL from the HelpDesk wiki (below) explains it a little more.  We don’t know much about the ‘Proofpoint Encryption Premium Plug-in’ mentioned yet.

https://wiki.helpdesk.ufl.edu/FAQs/SecureEmailEncryptionWithProofpoint (this link no longer works and has been deactivated)

Additionally, this does not work between UFX users (not sure if it works UFX to O365 either).  My thought there is since it stays internal to UF that encryption doesn’t happen because the message doesn’t go through Proofpoint. It probably isn’t necessary to be encrypted either since it stays internal to UFX.  I’m not sure what happens for a UFX user to a third party email server on campus (UFX to ECE.UFL.EDU for instance).
